The Backstory…
As a kid, I always imagined the future would have rocket ships flying overhead aplenty, like cars on the freeway. I thought I’d capture this free-thinking, visionary spirit in “Zoom”.
What would you do if you had a balloon,
That you could ride in with a friendly baboon,
Up, up, away to the stars and the moon,
Then eat some cheese with a big giant spoon,
Oh what would you do…
Let’s say you had a car that drove 95,
With silver wings so you could fly,
Then push the button with the red flashing light,
Whoosh, whoosh away through the clouds out of sight,
Oh, what would you do,
You could…
Just like a comet through the universe. Vroom!
You can,
Pack your bags,
Bring your comic book mags,
Buckle up tight,
For the ride of your life, and
Now just pretend that you took off on a trip,
Inside a supersonic rocket ship,
With all the power to fly faster than sound,
Would you blast off to Mars or come back down?
Oh, what would you do?
T-minus 10 to take-off,
Ten, nine eight,
Seven, six, five, four, three,
Two…one…BLAST OFF!
©2009 Splashing Mermaid Music
Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash edited with BeCasso