Big Bug Lunch!

National VIRTUAL Classroom Book & Music Tour

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Sign-up TODAY before the tour is sold out!

“Today's ZOOM performance with Skaie Knox was exactly the medicine my Kindergarten class needed today!   They were so happy as they sang and danced along to Big Bug Lunch!  Thank you for bringing something new and exciting for these children that are missing our normal classroom. “

- Kim Mason, Kindergarten Teacher and Lead Mentor, Kyle R. Wilson Elementary

Tour Details

Singer-songwriter and former high school English teacher, Skaie(sky) Knox is bringing her kid’s book & music, Big Bug Lunch! to you and your students through a LIVE! 10-15 minute reading and sing-a-long. This FREE book/music tour will bring joy and music to your virtual classroom through YOUR school’s streaming platform*!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Click the “Sign Up!” button above, then fill out the form.

  2. You will be contacted by email with a performance date and time CONFIRMATION and instructions on sharing your streaming platform’s LINK and password (if required).

    NOTE: Skaie has a MINIMAL START TIME of 9:30am(PST) - please indicate your desired time ON or AFTER this hour. Thank you!

  3. Skaie will appear ONLINE at your scheduled time to read her book Big Bug Lunch!, then do a sing-a-long with your students to the title song “Bug Bug Lunch!”*

    *Due to the numerous REQUESTS for Skaie’s performance, she will be accessing whatever streaming platform your school/district uses.

    **Skaie has more original music if you’d like her to sing more than one song.