Sticky Situation
The Backstory…
Though I don’t have kids, the auntie and songwriter in me nudged me to write one of those “lesson” songs.
Mission accomplished.
(Disclosure: No goldfish were harmed during the writing of this song.)
Penelope Pendleton went to, the county fair,
and won a gold fish.
She took it home and watched very happily, as it blew out bubbles like it was making a wish…
Bloop, bloop, bubbly-blow…
Her little brother Hansen had to, see this gold fish, so he stacked up some books,
He climbed up to see it then, he wanted to pet it, so he grabbed it outta the water to take a closer look,
Hi-do ho, bloop, bloop, bubbly-blow,
Oh, no! Guess what happened! (you know what happened!)
Because he didn’t ask,
Because he snuck around,
He caused an accident,
That made his sister frown.
He should have asked “May I…”,
He should have mentioned “Please…”
He could have had some fun, but instead…
He got stuck in a sticky situation!
Sticky situation,
Sticky, sticky…situation.
The very next day Hansen woke up, ate breakfast, then scooted to the neighborhood playground.
He swung on the swings, then slid down the slide,
Then looked for his scooter but it was nowhere to be found,
Bloop, bloop, bubbly-blow…
Madeline McCune while singing a tune, on the see-saw, saw Hansen’s ride,
She thought she’d take it for a spin, just for a little while, but then a tree came out from nowhere ending her glide!
Hi-do ho, bloop, bloop, bubbly-blow,
Oh, no! Guess what happened!
Because she didn’t ask,
Because she snuck around,
She caused an accident,
That made her friend frown.
She should have asked “May I…”,
She should have mentioned “Please…”
She could have had some fun, but instead…
She got stuck in a sticky situation!
Sticky situation,
Sticky, sticky…situation.
Hum, di, di,
Now Madeline was laying up in her bed, with a band-aide on her head and some ice upon her ankle.
She was listening to tunes on her i-pod player, but then hopped off to the bathroom to take a little tinkle.
Bloop, bloop, bubbly-blow…
Samantha her sister passing by, saw the player, took it outside to the poolside just to listen to her faves,
As she danced to the disco, she didn’t see her poodle “Frisco”, who she tripped upon and fell into the deep-end waves!
Hi-do ho, bloop, bloop, bubbly-blow,
Oh, no! Guess what…well, you know what happened next!
Because she didn’t ask,
Because she snuck around,
She caused an accident,
That made her sister frown.
She should have asked “May I…”,
She should have mentioned “Please…”
She could have had some fun, but instead…
She got stuck in a sticky situation!
Sticky situation,
Sticky, sticky, sticky, sticky, sticky…situation.
©2009 Splashing Mermaid Music
Photo by sanjiv nayak on Unsplash edited with BeCasso