There's a Monster Under My Bed
The Backstory…
As a kid, I was certain there were monsters under my bed. So, when I came across a story suggesting this monster might just be lost and hiding because IT was scared, I knew I had to write a song about it.
What’s that creep’n under my bed
I know that I checked before I turned the lights off,
Oh, how I wish it were daytime instead,
I’m sure I hear a monster,
Or could it be my sister,
I’ll check again just to be sure…Oh! NO!!
There’s a monster under my bed,
It’s purple, hairy, smelly, with a big giant head!
Grunt! Growl! Is it gonna eat me?
Snort! Sniff! Or only nibble at my feetsies,
I’m safe if I cover my head…
There’s a monster under my bed…
Then just like a switch he just disappeared
Maybe he’s gone and jumped out through the window,
But out peak two yellow eyes from my closet door,
I’m sure I see a monster,
Or could it be my sister,
I’m way too scared to really be sure…Oh! No!
Oh, but then, suddenly,
I hear something differently,
I slowly open the closet door,
And find the monster sobbing on the floor…oh, my!
I learned that my monster had run far from home,
Nobody wanted to be his friend for so long,
So, then into my room he decided to roam,
He said, I’m not a scary monster,
Just a little strange and awkward,
Then suddenly I knew I was sure,
Oh! There’s a monster under my bed,
It’s purple, hairy, smelly, with a big giant head!
Hee! Ha! He’s really very funny!
Hi! Ho! Nights are no more scary!
I’m safe cuz I now have a friend,
There’s a monster,
Not my silly nosey sister,
It’s my friendly funny, monster,
There’s a monster under my bed!
©2009 Splashing Mermaid Music
Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash edited on BeCasso