

The Backstory…

Full disclosure: I was initially going to write this from a woman’s POV. But, something moved me to change my mind. I was curious to examine the intense pressures men hold as “providers”, let alone tying their identities to their careers and monetary worth.

After this song’s initial release, it seems this song connected with a man going through a similar struggle who found comfort in the realization that he wasn’t alone. That man would eventually become my husband.


Take one more step and you’re almost there,

You don’t have to give up, 

You can’t stop,

Don’t stop now,

Don’t stop…

 He’s kind of blue,

But he wears a half-way grin,

He paces along an icy shore,

Wishing he could dive in…

And he tries,

His wings are spread, 

But he dares not to fly,

With a beating heart,

He longs to try,

Come to the ledge he hears,

With only his toes to grip his fears,

And he’s near to…

Almost, almost like being there,

Like tomorrow’s dreams that will surly come around,

He’s almost got his happiness down,

He’s almost there.

His mind is racing,

But he can’t stop to think,

His eyes are steady,

But he can’t keep his hands from trembling…

Jump from the ledge he hears,

As he leaps with streaming happy tears,

And he’s near to…

Almost, almost like being there,

Like second place or those last ten miles,

He’s almost found is sweet lovely smile,

He’s almost there.

Almost there.

Putting together, the pieces of this mystery, 

It’s only puzzling him,

He always thought by now he’d be, much further, 

much closer to, to…being there…

Well, off of the ledge he goes, and he’s feeling…

Almost, almost like being there,

Like that phone call telling me I’m sorry,

Maybe next time but keep on trying,

‘Cause he’s almost there, 

He almost sees it,

He’s almost who he wants to be,

he’s almost there,

He’s almost there,

Almost there,


©2003 Splashing Mermaid Music

Photo credit: Skaie Knox

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