

The Backstory…

The irony of Instagram perfection and reality TV-instant “fame” has, for me, inspired a desire to hold tightly to normalcy. Being ordinary, in this context, is just being my true self - which is also quite EXTRAordinary. .


True, I need to keep the lights on,
True, I need a man to turn me on,
True, I need to feel free again,
True, I need to see you naked,

Isn’t that what you want, too...?

True, my skin is gett’n thin,
True, I’m lett’n things get in,
True, I’m lying by myself again,
True, the truth’s not really sett’n in.

Isn’t that how you feel, too...?

Well, waddaya wanna be?
Get your monkey out my tree.
Who’s takin up all the air in here,
Well, there’s no more room cause I wanna, wanna be...
I wanna be me!
I wanna be me.
What’s the crime in being ordinary,
Ordinary me 

True, I wish a had a million bucks-ah,
True, I’m still waiting for my 15 minutes,
True, I’m running standing stationary,
True, I’ll figure out I’m truly worthy.

Mirror, Mirror,
Who’s that you see,
A walking talking plain as can be,
Super, fantastic, extraordinary,
Who me? 

Oh well, yeah! Waddaya wanna be?
Get your monkey out my tree.
Who’s takin up all the air in here,
Well, there’s no more room cause I wanna, wanna, wanna be...
I wanna be me,
I wanna be me.
What’s the crime in being ordinary, 

Yeah, ordinary



Ordinary me, 


©2003 Splashing Mermaid Music

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

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